Kanwar | Hamilton, Waikato

“In my life, there are some failures for which only me is responsible, so that makes me push forward, and that also helps me to influence myself.

Another thing is my family, and my sister. They help me to do some things, in which I push myself backward, just because of confidence, and they help me to accomplish those things, by their moral support.

I enrolled in my nursing program and I sit in a group with a lot of people, and it is very difficult for me to speak. I’m new to English language, so sometimes I feel like, will this be correct, or not? So, that makes me shy, but sometimes I release all those negative thoughts of my mind, how other people will think and start speaking. Clearing all those doubts. So, that thing builds my confident, and then another thing is I brought some videos, in which they tell how to build your confidence, and if I watch like 10 videos, and I learn 10 percent of it, and I apply 10 percent in my daily life, day by day I will improve little bit. 

I’m studying a Bachelors of Nursing at Wintec, and after this my plan for now is not to make a fullstop and work only as a nurse. I will do something after that. Maybe some further studies. 

I was born and brought up in North India, Punjab and my parents put me into private school, which was a very recognised school in the whole city, and I got a good qualification through that school. That school was also very supportive towards sports and other curricular activities. So because of my school and their sport, I became a good footballer and I was a level player when I was in India. 

Under-confidence is when people think about other people, and think how they think about them. So, that is what under-confidence means. So, start living for yourself and enjoy your life by talking to others about what you want. Don’t be restricted only for your under-confidence. For people who are under-confident, I want to say to them don’t feel under-confident by thinking what other people are going to think about you. Just live your own life, and be confident to enjoy your life in any way. If you are being bossed by anyone, don’t feel like they will think negatively about you. Maybe you can be some extraordinary person, maybe they like you. Anything could happen, so don’t feel under-confident, only because of your negative thoughts. Don’t bring negative thoughts into your mind.”

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