Chonz | Glen Eden

Just making them feel part of the community, part of this world, I suppose. I think that’s special; making everyone feel equal, not feel better than the other. You know? Yeah, I think it’s important.

I think it’s, it’s important to make people feel special. I would like to feel special. I’d like someone to make me feel special, and make me feel part, you know, part of this community.

It is important to make others to feel special, because – It makes them feel good about yourself. You know? It makes you want to live. Because there are a lot of judgemental people out there, you know? So, that’s why I think it’s important to make people feel special. Make them forget about those negative comments or whatever; negative people. So, that’s my way of making people feel special; to make them feel part of, you know? Not everyone’s the same, but I reckon making someone feel special is really, really important.

What I value is family. Yeah, I guess family. Oh, my babies, really. They make me feel special. Having my children made me feel special. Family. Family, friends. Don’t have to be blood.

I was born and raised in Central. I was raised up until about 11 years old in Central, around Newton-Kingsland, Grey Lynn, Sandringham, and then moved out to West Auckland, because our house burned down. Oh, it was tough, very tough, but I guess it’s, it was all right. It wasn’t great, but it wasn’t fantastic, but whose, you know? Whose life was?”


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