Cedric | Beach Haven

How did I last make someone feel special? It would have to be last month at work;

I found out one of the work colleagues had just gone through a really tough weekend, and then at work had a pretty tough break, so what I did was, when I heard about that, I had a Toblerone, one of those massive pieces of Toblerone, snuck it on her desk, and waited for the next day to see what happened. When she saw that, it kind of made her day, I suppose, and didn’t reveal it was me that snuck it in there, but she kind of felt happy and kind of despite all the, I guess not adversity, but I suppose the struggle she had gone through, and her last ordeal in the last week and weekend, kind of made up for it, so making her feel happy made me feel happy.

So yeah absolutely. I think it’s, they say probably doing the smallest deed, definitely goes a long way, does speak volumes for people. With that example I just mentioned before, even just you know, holding the door for someone, or if you’re in the bus and you see someone that probably needs to take a seat, offering up your seat for them; the small deeds definitely make anyone feel special. So, I think it is important and it’s not only for the fact of making them feel special, but it makes you feel good in return. So, it’s definitely gratifying in that sense.

Yeah, so I grew up in the 482, or as I mentioned before, Beach Haven. What’s important to me is definitely family. Family definitely is what keeps you grounded, keeps you cemented, also friends as well. Where I suppose where you do have shortfalls or issues that you can’t discuss with family, then you have your friends to fall back on, and likewise with your family, and vice versa. I think that is why it’s really important to me, definitely the sense of being collective together as a community. That’s something that I kind of grew up, in the neighbourhood of Beach Haven; everyone irrespective of who you are, where you come from, what you speak, what background you have, I think acceptance is also very important, to me.”

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