

Share on Facebook Tweet this Ezra | Fitzroy, Taranaki ** This story mentions abuse and suicide.  Youthline provides free support for young people, or people supporting young people. Contact 0800 376 633 or free text 234 ** “I don’t know whether or not it was a...


Share on Facebook Tweet this Kale | Welbourn, Taranaki “When it comes to bravery around here, there’s not really much to tell, because a lot of things happen around here on a daily basis. On Sunday, I was out here with a couple of mates just doing usual things...
Tien Yu

Tien Yu

Share on Facebook Tweet this Tien Yu | Eden Terrace, Auckland “我在新西兰出生的,然后我的母语是英文。 去年为了学会中文,我去了北京。 刚到的时候我一句话都不会说。 所以跟中国人聊天有点难。 因为他们都看到我,他们觉得我是本地的中国人. 但是我并不是。 所以我觉得去学中文对我的…… 当然对我的中文有好处,但是也对我的英文好处,因为要帮我提高我的那个……那个……怎么说,communication,的继续。 不是继续。...


Share on Facebook Tweet this Sri | Auckland “I have bonded with a lot of different cultures, and I can say there are really welcoming people in New Zealand. And I have good friends from Chinese culture, and some Samoan, Tongan and also some Sri Lankan friends...


Share on Facebook Tweet this Carol | Kaitī, Gisborne “Today I attended a Salvation Army get together, and it’s a companions group for elderly people. I’d seen this guy around a few times in Gisborne, at various places, and I went to speak to him today for the...


Share on Facebook Tweet this Tina | Blenheim, Marlborough  “I’m trying to define what’s different. I suppose my last connection would have been about five minutes ago where I went to see a friend at her house, and then two other people came into the house, and...

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