

Share on Facebook Tweet this Sophie | Ōmata, Taranaki “This week is the first week of me and my friend opening our own business. So that definitely calls for bravery, I think. It was a really quick three-month change of life plan, because of Covid. I was...


Share on Facebook Tweet this Steve | Highbury, Canterbury “I suppose first thing that comes to mind is about 18 months ago a really close friend of mine died, and friends were piecing together the funeral proceedings, and working out, who was going to do music...


Share on Facebook Tweet this Taz | Onehunga, Auckland “Well, I suppose people will be talking about how they’ve been brave from Corona, but I actually want to talk about how I’ve been brave in helping immigrants who come to New Zealand. Being a market supervisor...


Share on Facebook Tweet this Adam | Royal Oak, Auckland “My brave story is moving to Auckland not long after Level 4 Lockdown. Auckland’s New Zealand’s largest city, so the opportunities here might have been a bit tight. No-one really knew what was going to...


Share on Facebook Tweet this Wendy | Waitara, Taranaki “I’ve had three children. One of my children was born with an intellectual disability. She then died when she was seven-and-a-half, which was in 2002. To deal with a child with an intellectual disability is...


Share on Facebook Tweet this Maxine | Ōhakune, Manawatū – Whanganui “Leaving home for the very first time. Going back further to that was deciding to apply for Teachers College, and then going for the interview, and then probably the first time in a big...

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