Caroline | Glenfield

I think probably my older sister, because I know sometimes she doubts herself, and she really, I don’t know, she sometimes lacks her confidence, and I just kind of give her that boost, kind of saying that she’s, she’s a really good person, and she helps a lot of people that are in need. I think she, yeah I just kind of uplift her.

I think it just kind of unites everyone and makes everyone whole, and everyone equal, especially those who feel like they’re outsiders, and think they’re not worth it. I think it just kind of gives, they can refresh their mind, kind of making them think that they’re worth it, and that they’re not left out, and they always have someone to rely on.

I think one important thing to me is probably my education and family because I know there’s a lot of people who don’t have access to communication, to education, and some people just; they don’t use their education wisely, and they kind of take it for granted.

I, I think because that’s sometime why some families have problems; because they’re not listening to each other, or they don’t pay attention to each other, because they’re either on their devices or always out, and not really spending time with each other, and I think that’s something that’s really, really important.

Sometimes I really doubt myself when I’m at school. I’m like, oh I’m not good enough, or, oh I’m not going to pass Level 1. But, I think today when we had our, at school we had our Endeavour awards, and I got a certificate for math in Level 1, I was like, okay this made me feel so much better about myself. I was doubting myself, thinking oh I’m not going to pass, I’m really bad at school, and just kind of like, having negative thoughts.

Yeah, because I know there’s quite a few people these days, especially teens; they really, they kind of doubt themselves a lot of the time, and they kind of, they don’t give themself enough attention. They’re always just putting themselves down like I can’t do this, I’m not worth it. I think they should really, really give themself a boost. They should listen to themselves sometimes because I know everyone can do it. They shouldn’t really doubt themselves, because there’s no reason for it.

Especially because I’m a teen, and I know a lot of people who don’t really think of themself as special, or they always kind of feel left out, and sometimes they’re not, they’re a really good person, but they just always think the negatives and they never think positive.

I know, especially when you think negative, it really, it leads to bad decisions and you always, sometimes you regret it. You just kind of regret all the decisions you make, and I think it’s always good to stay positive, because you never know what’s going to happen.

I grew up in New Zealand. I haven’t really left North Shore since I was born. I’m from Kiribati, it’s a really small island, and it’s kind of sinking because of pollution and stuff. I mostly grew up around here. My family grew up here, and yeah.”


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