Jaimie | Arrowtown, Otago

“My father passed away in February, and his decline was very quick. We had known that there was going to be a decline when there was a diagnosis, but it was faster than we allowed ourselves to think, and he passed away before I could get to see him.

I’m originally from Canada. So, my regret was that I didn’t put as much urgency or importance on it, as I should have, and you can’t go back when someone passes, but I guess when you talk about silver linings it has absolutely refocussed my energy and passion for life. It has made me realise how quick it can go, and how amazing and lucky we are to be here right now. So, I guess it’s made me live even more in the moment. I’ve always been pretty good at being in the moment, but I think even more-so now, and I’m always planning for the future, but I’m very focussed on today and my role as a parent, and making sure that every moment I have as a mother and as a parent is making the most of it. 

I was born in Saskatchewan. I lived there until I was about 18, and then headed to Calgary, Alberta, Canada for university, lived there till I was 25, and then moved to New Zealand, and ended up in Queenstown, New Zealand. I’ve been in New Zealand for 17 years. I’ve been lucky enough to call the South Island and Arrowtown home for the majority of it. I’ve a beautiful Kiwi son that was born in Invercargill, and has the luxury to be raised and grown in Arrowtown, and I’ve just finished my MBA at the University of Otago. I’m now doing another masters at the Otago Poly. I’m a chef, and have owned a bakery in Queenstown for 10 years, and my life’s work is food, and feeding people, and growing food, and really connecting rural and urban food supply production to ensure that we can continue to eat as much beautiful food as we do, in New Zealand.

The most important thing to me is without a doubt close relationships, fun, love and family. I’m very lucky. I’ve got my priorities very much in check. So, I feel really lucky that I get the game and it’s about enjoying every minute of what you can, and life is great. My son’s amazing, and life is a gift.”

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