Stormy | Ōtara, Auckland

“I learned that stuff that happened in the past stays in the past, doesn’t add to your life, now if that makes sense, and I had a lot of stuff happen to me way back in the days, but now, because I’m in church now, things are just way more better than they ever were.

What was talked about was my previous relationships and stuff that had happened when I was younger. I’m a dad, so I sort of lost out on spending time with my kids, but these days, I’m making time to be there for them in their lives, and that sort of got me. But with the brothers in the church, they helped me in so many ways. 

That conversation was with our spiritual father, Lionel. He told me that whatever happened before, boy it doesn’t matter. What happens is now. What matters is now, and not to let it rule you, because I used to let it rule me. He told me to live in the now, and not in the shit that was before.

My previous life was a little mucked up, but I wasn’t the man who I am today. I actually used to sell drugs and shit like that, but now I don’t. I don’t smoke smokes. I don’t smoke dope. I don’t drink. I seem to have more money now than I did back then. I’m quite cool, and happy.

I grew up in Hastings and my hopes for my kids are that they will want to see me and spend more time with me. My dream is that they want to be with me, but just me being in their life would be enough for me, or being there. My son’s at Hato Pāora College. He actually got a scholarship to go and play rugby, and with our background I’m quite proud that he made it out of that sort of life where he’s surrounded by gang members, and stuff like that. All my kids were, but it never stopped them from achieving, and making it to the places that they are now. I’m very proud of my kids. I love them, love them very much, and I just hope that they continue on doing what they do.

Yes, I do. All I want them to know is that I love them, you know, and Dad’s always going to be here, and I hope you’s are proud of me, too and that’s about it.”

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