Sykes | Rānui

“Kia ora, my name is Sykes Yeah, I’m from the north side of the bridge, 409. Yeah, that’s the Far North, and I’ve got two beautiful kids. My oldest girl just turned 17 yesterday, so like happy birthday again, I love you, and my youngest daughter is 12, and I love you, Mum.

What I’d love to achieve in the year ahead, 2020, there’s a lot of things. Like change my perspective more. I’d say that would probably be one of my factors. Just taking care of my family more, because I’ve been distant. Saving money, helping out more, all those unconditional things, and getting like levelled up, I guess, because there’s a lot of things that I’ve missed out on and other avenues I could have went through but your question you’re asking me, next year I’m going to be more determined, to achieve those things. 

I got court right now. I mean, it’s on break. But one main thing is money, as well, you know?  Money is a big factor. There’s a lot of issues. I mean, shit look at our housing crisis. That’s corrupt government, eh? You name it. It’s out there. Like, illegal fucking everything. Another factor just to end on, just make change. That’s what I want to do. To make a difference, make a better future. Yeah that’s what I’d like to end on.

My history. 409, yeah I’m from the north side of the bridge, North Island. My father’s Niuean, so that makes me a bit of a fruit salad. Niuean-Māori, Māori-Niuean, how you like it. I grew up all around the whenua, I say, I’m from Kaitaia-like ways, all the way to South Auckland. Grew up out there, went to Roscommon, and then ended up running away just real quick, you know, because my father was too gang-related. Loved his shit more than his kids, I guess. That’s how I ended up growing up out here, like when I was a young delinquent, juvenile running from the police, they smiling because they can’t catch me. Shout out to Dean and Ella anyway, and that’s just a little bit per cent, not even a mil of my autobiography. I love Makaveli and I love Jacinda. John Key’s my uncle. 

I suggest to complete those goals, the top of the list, to-do things, is by committing myself more, like making sure I’m on time, instead of being confident, surrounding my environments with people with high esteem to lift my self-esteem. Positive vibes. You know?  Love from my children. You know?  They’re the full affect. I don’t go to church but I’m a Mormon. Do you believe that? I guess, in the faith way, like looking and using my faith and just better thinking. Your mind’s state, you know, because you can do anything. I might have said it wrong, but there’s too many of us out there doing the wrong choices. Choices is another one. I would have made choices. And it’s impossible to save for a house. Shit, the housing problem’s fucked up. Just to talk about that slightly. I just got a room the other day. That’s why I’m court today because I breached because I didn’t have a fucking place to reside, et cetera. I’ve got to go back at 2:15 because I was late this morning, and my lawyer’s no longer there and just real quick, I’ll end on a high note. Just to follow through, like whoever watched this, follow through with what you initially set your mind to, complete and do, because you can do it. Kisses.”

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