Gonzalo | CBD

“Gonzalo from Chile. I arrive in Auckland three days ago with my bike. I am staying in Newmarket. 

To the next year, I think I will like to come back here. I really, really like, and I see an opportunity with the work like barista. Here is a really community operation, a lot of coffee shops. A lot of opportunities, so I want to do some connection with people, some barista, take some course, and something like that for the next year.

Well, I’ll tell you. I come from Chile. Now there’s real situation in Chile with all the politicians, the police abuse. It’s really, really difficult in Chile now, and but the people or the Chilean people, they are good. They are really good person, and only they are in a bad country with bad politicians, I think. I think the more value in life is doing what you like, and have friends, and do what you love, I think. I love riding my bike, and I love coffee. So, I am here for that.

So I take my bike, and I will visit a lot of coffee shops, and I met some guy yesterday. He thinks I am a courier messenger or a courier biker, but not at all. Just doing tourism. So, we talk about it, the bags and the bike messengers, and he told he, you want to come out with me, and so I went with him, we know the city really, really close. The cigarettes, the streets, a lot of view. It’s my third day here, so I think it is a really, really good to know a city on a bike. You connect more with the street. You connect more with the people, with other bikers, with the cars. I think you connect with the fluency of the of the city with the bike.

Now for this month, I think I want to know the Auckland City upside down, and everything, and then I want to go to the South of New Zealand, to the farms, to other views, more that another city, the other side.”

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