Warwick | Mt Roskill

“Warwick’s my full name, and I’m pretty much born and raised in Mt Roskill. Oh heck, that’s a pretty unreal question. I’d have to say, my dad. He’s deceased, but I miss his company, and he was a good person. One of the best people in my life. 

If he was still around, I’d have a meal with him. He passed away from pancreatic cancer. Found out he had like 6, 12 months to live. It was too late. Progressed too much, but he pretty much taught me all my values, anyway that I gave to my kids. Grew up around here mostly, but I’ve travelled. Been down to Christchurch, been overseas, different countries. Australia, been to Hawaii. So, I’ve travelled around a bit. Stayed in Hamilton for seven years. Also been in and out of prison. Been into a psych ward – I was just in a bit of a dark spot at the time. Yeah, was in a dark place. Started dragging my feet, and I couldn’t get up. So that was kind of my best option that I chose at the time. Tried to cut my wrists. Just had to basically step back from everything that I was doing, you know, because I was fighting to get my son back from CYPS as well. Did all my programs and what-not, but everything just went from bad to worse. Ended up having a stroke, and then after that, I just stepped out of the tree. Squashed my relationship I was in. Been single ever since. Best choice I ever made. My old man always believed that God doesn’t help those that don’t help themselves. You‘ve got to do for yourself. No-one else going out there can be relied on, except for yourself. So you’ve basically got to stand on your own two feet, do your thing. Never mind what anyone else is doing, and never ever rip off friends or family.”

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