Daisy | Manurewa

“My name is Daisy, and I live in Manurewa. Family is very important to me. I actually grew up here for most of my life. I came to New Zealand when I was about five/six, so I basically call New Zealand my home.

I’ve always lived with my family, so that’s very important to me, and I’m just working and trying to graduate pretty much. 

I study nursing. My family sometimes, when they have a sickness, for example, the doctors or nurses won’t tell you exactly what you have. So I wanted to get an idea of what to expect, and to help in what way I can for my family when the doctors or nurses can’t. Just to be able to be that first point where I can help my family, rather than having to spend money for a doctor who’s probably going to say the exact same thing. 

So, yeah I’m being brave and courageous going to work and training in the hospital, because I’m kind of very shy at the beginning, and so one brave thing I did was just working in the hospital with the other nurses training, and taking that step to being able to help in what way I can, even if it’s in a small way. I want to help because that’s the best way to give back to the community. Starting off with family, being that little person to help and to understand what’s going on. If I can do that with my family, I can do it with the wider community as well. Even though it may seem like it’s small, it’s always the small little things that actually make a bigger impact. So, that’s why I wanted to do nursing, what drew me to nursing. 

I think it’s best to try and come out of your comfort zone because you never know the end result until you actually try it. For me, I started really shy, coming to New Zealand, not knowing anything, and in order to actually become who you really are, you need to step out of that comfort zone, you know? There’s this saying that, is like; being uncomfortable makes you uncomfortable kind of thing. So, that’s where you grow. In an uncomfortable environment, you start to grow, because your mind starts to think these ways, and then it automatically becomes automatic. So I think it’s best to come out of your comfort zone, to become who you are.”

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