Leva | Ōtara

Talofa lava. My name is Leva. I am 24 years of age, and I live in Flatbush, Ōtara. Every day I’m having to be brave and courageous. I literally wake up every morning, and I look at myself in the mirror, and I’m always asking myself, and I’m always telling myself that I don’t know everything, but I’m willing to learn and that just being a university student and also working hard-core hours, I have to be brave and courageous. I always have to show that brave face, and sometimes you have to be brave and courageous if you want to be successful in life. For example, if you’re new in a job, you have to be willing to pick up new responsibilities, you have to be brave and you have to ask. I mean, if you don’t ask, then you’re basically going back to step one. So with me, I’m always writing up goals and objectives, and I know my purpose is to live a life and inspire people. I really want to inspire people and to be able to do that, you have to be brave and courageous. 

This world is crazy, and this world is horrible, and the realisation is that we are a slave to the system. We are a slave to society, and because I’m a hard-core Christian my belief is that when you accept Jesus Christ, and when you have Jesus, you’re no longer a slave anymore, and that’s what I always encourage people to do. That’s my value. I value Jesus. I value family. I value the demographic here; Pacific Islanders, Māoris and I feel like I have a purpose here and to them, and I hope to pursue that. 

So, why to be brave and courageous?  I feel like you have to be brave and courageous if you want to, go somewhere with your life. Like I said before, having an objective, a purpose, and if you want to accomplish your goals, you need to be brave and courageous.

I’m currently undergoing a business degree. I’m an under-grad student and I also work here at Manukau, and I’m from Ōtara, home of the brave.

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