Kiri | Beach Haven

I just took the time to; I took the time out of my morning to message my best friend. She’s going through a super hard time right now, but yeah so that made her feel super special.

I feel like it’s a way of giving back, and it’s all a part of energy as well. So, what you give out you get back in return. So, that’s how I live life, yeah.

What she’s going through I, oh it’s just beyond, explainable. It, it’s super hard, but yeah.

What are, I think what our youth are going through, and what everyone is going through, is acceptance; they have a hard time accepting. I feel like my generation are a lot caught up in being accepted by everyone, and it’s just okay to not be accepted. Yeah, I feel like a lot of people need to learn that it, it’s totally fine. A lot of people will always have their own opinions of you, no matter what you’re doing.

I am originally from Christchurch. I was born and raised there, and what I hold, my core values are family and self-love. Yeah, those are my core values. I don’t think it’s used enough, but I do feel like it is the major part in life; just to have that reassurance there, and let your whānau know that you do love them, and whatnot. Yeah.”


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