Samantha | Panmure

I think, for myself, I would change my approach with people in order to assist people to see the world and themselves a little bit differently than they do today. Yeah, something that helps to benefit everyone and for the good of all.

Yeah, so I think the way we behave today is very self-orientated, for the benefit of oneself, and it kind of comes out in communities and societies and our systems are sort of failing. I think that if people were to look, and take a different approach towards each other, it would help to benefit everyone as a whole, and I think this just comes back to self-awareness and self-introspection, and having a little bit more purpose in our, in our lives, whether it’s daily or long-term. I think that’s something that we lack, as again, as individuals and as a whole, and I think it comes from each individual. You have to change your approach in how you interact with every individual and who you come across, and then once you, once people start to become more aware of self, then it can just expand, more l like a ripple.

I think it comes with time, experience, the people you meet. I mean I’m sure somebody that I’ve met, maybe have a similar approach, and yeah, I’ve gained some knowledge by, through books. You can gain a lot of knowledge through, again self-interest.

So, you have this idea comes from self-introspection by looking at oneself first, before looking at others. We often tend to blame other people for why things go wrong in our lives, and why we can’t accomplish things, and why success doesn’t come easy, but it often comes from the self and from the mind, and if people were to not just kind of, to fully understand this concept, if people were to live by it, then they would see a lot of things would change naturally.

I think it’s kind of the root solution for almost all the problems that occur in life. It seems simple, but it’s actually quite a difficult thing to do, and it’s kind of cyclic and self-propelling. If you are to practice it, it will spread, but at the same time, it’s the, how to describe, maybe for example, what I’ll do is say, I’m actually not from New Zealand. I’m from Canada, and for many years, I had always wanted to travel, and I’d always wanted to come, I always wanted to go back to school, but I found that where I lived, it was difficult to get ahead. There was always a lot of competition in the work fields, and I always kind of looked at it, as I could never succeed because of the way that society was built. It worked against me. I’m a part of the middle class, and you can never, you can never get out of that class, or you can, but it’s the way that we see ourselves, and what we can contribute and add to the world that really changes your mindset.

So, for myself I found purpose in being a part of that middle class, and being able to contribute in the daily life that really changes your whole perception, and how you interact with others, and that really is what makes the difference. It’s not about having money or, you know, having fame or popularity, or any of those things. It’s about having self-purpose, and it was during that time that I struggled the most that I was able to kind of ask myself, why is it that this is continuing to happen, and why is this cycling over and over again, in a re-occurring, conflict within my life? It wasn’t until that time that you asked these hard questions, and you really dig deep and find out that all the problems are really just in how you were perceiving the world and yourself, and once you kind of fully understand this concept, you’re able to change that perception just so slightly that you see hinders or blocks in your life as positives and building blocks. You change that image of not being successful to having successes every day in your life, and that will change the, the occurring or the subsiding interactions that you have after that, to positive ones, and that just changes other people’s interactions and, and that’s where that rippling effect comes in. It changes how you interact and the approaches that you take towards every action that you take. On a small scale it might seem minimal, but it can have a much larger impact than people, they highly underestimate that, that impact, I think.”


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