Sam | Kelston
“It was a couple of nights ago, just in my rented bedroom, listening to music, because I’m on a bit of a budget at the moment. I grew up in mainly West Auckland. I’ve lived different places around Auckland. What do I value? Well, simple things in life, like clean clothes, clean jeans to wear, a good breakfast, you know; peanut butter on toast.
Just simple things, really. Also, I’ve moved back west from the city and I’ve seen a few familiar faces around, but haven’t really caught up with any old friends. So, it would be good, but obviously they have busy lives and stuff, family commitments. I mean, if they wanted to find me, they would find me, but obviously not. I suppose I could find them on Facebook if need be, but most of the people my age, my friends my age, they’re all married with children, you know? So, I’m still an eligible bachelor, which kind of sucks, but that’s alright. Well, it’s a bit difficult at the moment, because I’m a benefit at the moment. How I meet people; well I prefer to meet people in person, rather than on Facebook.
People crave for that personal touch, you know. I guess I am to a certain extent, but yeah. It’s an issue of senior citizens as well, because their families sort of don’t see the value in older people. They see them as a burden, not as a bit of a treasure, you know? Well, there’s a number of things I want to do, but can’t do them at the moment, till I just resolve a few issues, and then I should be able to do them.
Well, I haven’t been overseas. I’m 40 years old. I have never been overseas for an OE. So maybe like, a tiki-tour over to Europe or something, to London or something would be good, start a family, like most normal people. You know, they like to start a family. That’s about it for now. I like to think forward instead of backwards, you know. I like to plan for my future.”