Kim | Stanmore Bay

“I would say helping other people, yesterday I had a demonstration at our church showing a whole lot of ladies how to ice and decorate a cake with butter icing, and I think they all had fun, because there were a lot of people asking for the recipe and saying that they enjoyed it a lot. Yes, definitely. I think so, if you don’t have fun, I don’t think it’s you having a good life then, if you’re not having fun.

I come from South Africa, so we’ve been living here 10 years, and I have twins, and an older boy, and I don’t work, to look after them and take them to school and help them afterwards. I volunteer at North Shore Hospital to help other people because I just love helping other people. I think it’s from having the children and trying to be the best person that I am, and just helping them to be the best they can in life, and it’s just come from there, to help other people as well.

I went through bad postnatal depression after having the twins, and I was really ill, and I had to find anything and everything that would make me feel better. That would be having fun with other people, going out with them, going for coffee, going to craft groups and sewing and stuff like that. That would be fun for me and I would enjoy it. I would say don’t let life stop you from going and having fun. Don’t let children stop you. You don’t need to stay inside all day; you can go out and go and have fun. Just let life take its own natural course. You know, you don’t have to stop having fun just because you’ve got children.”

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