Francesca | Whangaparoa Peninsula

“I usually have quite a good time whenever I go to the church up here in Whangaparoa. I usually like going there to just socialise as well as for my faith as well.

As a career I am a care-giver and I look after elderly people, and one of those elderly people really didn’t want to live anymore, and she tried to kill herself a couple of times, it’s been really hard emotionally, and I find that when I’m in my own little community at my church that, it just helps me get through those times, and lifts me up again to keep going, and do what I do best.

I do think it’s important to have fun in your everyday life, even when it’s hard, because it’ll just help you get through life a lot better. Yeah it just makes living a lot easier, if we just also reach out to other people and talk to them or have a bit of a laugh every once in a while. I do have good times, yes. Whenever the activity coordinator does some activities, we sometimes join in for a moment or two and it’s quite good, and you have a bit of a laugh, and you enjoy yourself a bit more in your work as well.”

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