Ana | Northcote

“A woman that’s influenced my life is my mum, she’s been there since day one. She’s influenced me with school, with my sports, church, and with life in general. She’s made so many sacrifices, and I just love her so much.

The times I needed my mum is I guess during exams, when there’s so much pressure because exam falls in with coming towards the end of the year, where everything just gets too much, and I guess she’s been there. She gives me advice and that advice helps me not only with that time I’m struggling with, but also throughout my life. I always remember everything that she tells me, and I take it in, and I ponder and I study about it, and yeah I learn from my mistakes.

I was born and raised in Northshore, Northcote my whole life and I still live here. One thing, and some things my family values is family, God and education. Through these three things I was able to go through a lot of challenges and struggles, but from each of these mistakes and struggles I’ve been through I’ve been able to gain more knowledge and improve myself not only mentally but also emotionally and physically.

I belong to the Church of the Jesus Christ of the Latter Day Saints, and I’m still in Young Women’s, and that’s a group of girls from ages 12 to 18. Through that I’m able to develop a life learning skill that we have been taught, to become a future mother and a future wife, and we’re able to share our life experiences growing up, and share inspiring messages and trials we’ve been through to help each other.

So my hopes for the future is, first I want to serve a mission next year for the Church of Jesus Christ of the Latter Day Saints, for 18 months, and when I return I want to either fly over to Hawaii or America and study there something in criminology.

I think it’s a really good thing to have good women being good role models to the younger generation, and younger girls and teenagers growing up. In this society, there’s a lot of women that think that they have no right to say or do things, because I think through all the stereotyping. But if we look up, like me growing up as a teenager, if we look up to those role models we’re able to learn and to also develop this skill and to improve ourselves and strive to be like them, and have the courage to carry on.”

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