Scott | Newmarket

“I live in Newmarket, and I guess that’s a bit of a hive of activity, a busy place; lots of retail activity, community centres and things like that. For me it’s about getting out and exploring the place a bit. At the same time I guess we all lead busy lives, so I’m probably not as connected with a lot of the people in my neighbourhood as I perhaps could be, to be honest.

To be happy; I think that’s the most important thing. For me happiness is about having a balance. People always talk about the work-life balance, I guess that’s what we’re all kind of aiming for.

I like getting out, exploring and doing different things. So whether that’s a bit of theatre or the arts, or maybe a bike ride or getting outdoors or heading to the beach and that over summer. Fundamentally it’s about people and who you spend with, and I love doing those things with the people around me.

We live in a pretty amazing place and I always am bit more aware of that when I travel. My advice to people is to get out and explore the wonderful place that we live in. Having meaningful relationships with friends and family, getting out and about, doing lots of fun stuff, and making the most of life.

Community can mean lots of different things, and I guess it means different things to me as well. In one sense it’s about where I live, but it’s also about the people that I know; my friends that I interact on a daily basis.

I think people are always probably in search of something, so I always try and focus on the here and the now, and the making the most of what we’ve got.

I guess that’s alway kind of done to varying degrees of success, so um, I don’t know if we ever get there completely, but I think as much as we can it’s about focussing on the present and what we’ve got as opposed to the future and maybe what we might not have.”

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