Reuben | Grey Lynn

“I grew up here in Grey Lynn, my home. I spent a bit abroad. Ah, where am I right now? I’m happy. Yeah I’m happy and I’m looking towards the future.

Right now I’m waiting on a friend that I met at university, and we’re going to go to the sensory maze just inside. She’s never been before, and it’s a fun time.

Random act of kindness

So parking in town is incredibly expensive. I drove to town about a week ago, and a man on the street came and gave me his parking ticket, which had two more hours on it, which was nice.

Connected with your culture

My culture? Ah, huh. So, personally I define my culture as the people around me, and the experiences I have. I went to the Auckland Art Gallery where there’s a massive mural. [The artist is] my best friend’s dad, and that kind of connected myself to my culture, or what I’ve grown up with.

Heart to heart

Does it help if I was drunk? Ha, no.. I had a conversation about what I want to do with my life, and what a friend of mine wants to do with his. It was good to expand on, get an outside perspective.

I’ve been friends with him for a long time. We’ve had a lot of ups and downs. We’ve been through a couple of fights. You know? We’ve made up afterwards obviously. We discussed what we’re planning on doing with our futures. Ah, he’s planning on owning 50,000 houses and building them.

It was one of those moments where we talked about everything, but nothing at the same time. So, yeah it was good. It’s always good to release or speak about your problems every now and then. It’s also good to speak about your situation, and the positive influences that you have on your life. Life is what you make it, and I’m going to make it as good as possible. No, but I actually have a date right now, which I can’t seem to find her. I’m sure she’ll be around.

Connected with someone you don’t know

On the bus this morning. Ah, we sparked up a conversation. She’s a lawyer down the bottom of Queen Street, and she moved here from Otago. She’s had a boyfriend for three years, and her favourite colour is blue? Blue.”

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