Edison – Visiting from Hong Kong

“I’m from Hong Kong. I would tell my 11 year old self to experience more stuff in the world, instead of trying to play so many video games like at home, and to be sportier.

I’m living in Auckland because I’m an international student. I came to Auckland around four years ago. At first I studied in Invercargill, but I really can’t stand how cold it is down there, and then I decided to move to a bigger city in New Zealand to continue my studies. I definitely feel safe and welcome in Auckland, because Auckland’s really diverse. There’s different kinds of people all over the streets, and I’ve seen bad stuff to happen to people before, but Auckland still makes me feel really safe as a city.

Every city has bad people – I’ve seen people getting robbed at their houses, but you know, bad stuff happens all around the world. Like casual racism or racial jokes. I can take it, because I’m a grown up person so it’s fine. Most of the time I hang out with Hong Kong people. I don’t know, but I still have Caucasian friends, Māori friends, Islander friends. I feel connected, but I think Aucklanders are quite passive but if you start a conversation with them they will definitely want to talk to you.

I’m currently studying tourism – the future, I haven’t thought about it too much, but I would like to be a tour guide.”

What, if anything, have you done differently after visiting this site?

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