When did you last need help?

Tama | Tauranga

Content warning: this kōrero discusses sexual assault.

Tama comes from a background that was full of negative experiences. Now, with the support of his community, his life is full of hope.

“So I started off in a pretty corrupt house. Full of domestic violence, drugs and… just violence and a lot of negative people.

I went from house to house. At a young age, I was molested. Pretty f***ed up. 

It always stays in the back of your mind, in your head. It’s something that you’ll never forget. Being young, then growing up and realising what’s actually happened, it kind of plays with your mind a little bit. Not a little bit — a lot. I used a lot of drugs. Did a lot of fighting, violence. A lot of negative stuff. 

My mum helped me out. My mum helped me out a lot. And my partner. My mum’s been through it all. She’s had that stuff done to her, and my partner, same thing. And they just guide me the right way by helping me out through those times and showing me the right path and where the light is, and never to look back. Just push forward. 

I moved up to Tauranga – I’m originally from Wellington – but I moved up here to get away from all the negative stuff and start a new journey and be around positive people and a good environment.

I’m loving it. I’m living life to the fullest. I’m not going to let the past keep me down, hold me down. I’m going to strive through it all, become successful.

I want to become a barber and I want to start my own business over in Australia. I just want to become really successful.”

Our question for kaikōrero this month was “when did you last need help?” We learned about the diverse demands on the lives of New Zealanders and the incredible support networks they rely on.

🩷 Where to get help:

Are You OK – Family Violence Information Line: Free call 0800 456 450 at any time to get support from trained counsellors . https://www.areyouok.org.nz/
Youthline: Free call 0800 376 633, free text 234. Nationwide service focused on supporting young people. https://youthline.co.nz/
1737: The nationwide, 24/7 mental health support line. Call or text 1737 to speak to a trained counsellor. https://1737.org.nz/
111: Contact the police if you or a family member are in immediate danger.

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