

Share on Facebook Tweet this Evey | Todd Valley, Nelson “I’ve lived in quite a few places. Not all of them have felt like home, I have to say. I certainly feel at home here, and I think home is about a sense of belonging, more than the physical structure of it....


Share on Facebook Tweet this Kate | Mount Maunganui, Bay of Plenty “I would say home is definitely about the people you’re surrounded with, because my home-base is actually in Canada, but I’m all the way over here, and I still feel like I’m at home, just because...


Share on Facebook Tweet this Janja | Brook Valley, Nelson “Around the concept of home, Nelson has been my home now for 13 years, and it’s probably the longest that I’ve ever been anywhere. When I grew up, my parents had itchy feet, and we moved around a lot....


Share on Facebook Tweet this Tanya | Atawhai, Nelson “Home does feel like New Zealand, but at the moment, with what’s going on in the UK, I am also really aware of my roots and where I was born. I came from an Indian mother and English father, but my mother was...


Share on Facebook Tweet this Sarah | Mount Maunganui, Bay of Plenty “I lived overseas for about six years and I never, ever thought I’d come back to New Zealand. I was kind of flown away and I was a bit done with New Zealand. Then I kind of landed here again,...

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